Friday 3 August 2012

The days go by fine for him, not a single time where he would have a worry even when things weren't going too well. Until, the drive home every night.

See he wasn't the type that likes to be at home, not because of familial problems he just feels soo trapped at home, every night he would go out, meet with friends, share some laughs and enjoy himself. When he gets in his car, lights a cigarette and starts driving, he starts feeling remorse, regret and self pity.

He's still confused about the things in his head, too much going on and too little time to interpret and to make time for everything. In spite of all the problems he never had any issues with sleep, until recently. He would stay up late at nights doing absolutely nothing, sheer pleasure of computer games or all the other usual things that keep him preoccupied dont seem to interest him anymore. Instead he starts thinking ahead.

Not in terms of the following day or the following week but more like, five months from now, five years from now and so on. Thinking about his career, thinking about his miserable love life and what it could have been with who.

He doesn't go a day without that feeling of regret for all the people he has hurt and bridges he had burned in such a short span of time. He's still at a daze, still trying to figure out what had happen to the person he once was a year ago and who is this monster that he has turned into.

These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up


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