Monday, 6 August 2012

Another chapter maybe?

There is only so much a person take, so much of heartbreak on person and endure. He has finally decided to give up, don't go chasing for it but let it come chasing for him, marriage is not something he thinks is a reality. If anything he imagines he would die infront of a TV, fat, old and with a whiskey at hand, alone only to be found by someone when his body starts to decompose.

He still doesn't understand, how one could say soo much and later pretend they never said it, that he should bugger off because she ain't worth it. He has reached his boiling point, he has given up in general.

He doesn't need that, he has soo much ahead of him, much more than he could imagine, blessed as he could be, he feels something is missing, he wants to feel loved

These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up


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