Wednesday, 9 February 2011

You Dont Need A Blog

It's really contradicting to say so but yea I made up my mind and I'm not gonna privatize my blog. Its for the world to see and I really dont care if you do.

A buddy of mine is having issues. I mean if it was one of the ordinary joe's I'd ask the fella if he's alright but this fella would just reply "I'm okay" Sadly, he's a horrible liar. Like seriously horrible liar.

Why would you have a blog which everyone knows about then change the link and not tell any of your friends? Wait, lemme rephrase; family members? I mean that's what you claim right? Just curious.
I mean if you dont want anyone to read youur blog then make it private kan? Lagi, when people ask for you link, don't say "I don't know" or something like that. Just tell them straight in their face, "I dont want to give you" dont need to sugar coat it and shit yo.
I'm Just Saying, BRAAHH
Well I had a rather productive holiday. I did pretty much nothing other than visit people's house for open houses and sketching. I feel my inpiration flowing when I sketch. Soo much to sketch but soo useless at it

These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up


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