I don't know what to say, I'm frustrated and pretty much just disappointed with myself. I do things without thinking about the consequences and this isn't doing me any good.
I really can't wait to get over with this term. To get over with this part of my life. Two more months, roughly another 5 weeks till this is all over.
Mani plans on going to Langkawi again. Frankly it is just what the doctor ordered.
These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up
Agreed, I have been neglecting my blog yet again. Lot of things in my hands.. or at least it feels like that.
Shit, I'm just looking forward to June. I just looking forward of ending my Diploma. I can't stand everything that is going on with these people. Way too much drama man.
Over the break I was back working in Chilli's and met some really awesome people. One of em thought me about patience. I've never seen him upset and or angry unless its something really close to his heart.
The next two months that is pretty much what I'll be doing. Mask on yo!
It's upsetting that how we once used to all good friends and now there is a cold war. There are walls, there are restrictions, there are people acting indifferent to what has happened. There are people who have changed all together. All six terms there were drama but the last three terms is where all of the dramas come from.
Listening to some mashups. And I loik!!
Muse vs Pendulum... it fits really well
This vid is like when you are out having an awesome club party or something... sheet!! I wanna go for a pendulum concert!
These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up