Friday, 28 January 2011

Depriving My Blog Of Updates

Jeez, I really forgot about the blog eh? Can't help it. To many things on my plate, that I'd rather just use twitter to put up a quick post.

Yes, there is alot to do and not much time to do stuff. I cant say the restaurant event as something to do or as a pain in the ass. It's pretty much covered thanks to a certain gentleman... you know who you are. But its the other things, tons of assignments and paperwork. Group assignments which require video presentations and shit.

And what the hell is up with English? Seriously she has issues yo!

About two to three weeks ago I had a listen to Pendulums songs from the new album... I felt like the good ol days, just nothing but drum & bass.

I give you Immersion

What we have here are three music videos from their awesome album... awesome awesome album....

After listening to this number I told myself "I NEED TO DOWNLOAD THIS ALBUM!"
One hour later I was seriously damn blardy happy

From watching this you can tell that the part 2 is gonna be much more awesome.. its like everything has a sequal in their music videos

Feel the pain this yo.... this too would most probably have a prequel...

This is all for now.. Mr Zikri is in class Kseeyoubai

These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up

Monday, 10 January 2011


The first week is about everyone, all are curious how one another are doing, what happened in the 3 months they did not see each other, curious on relationship statuses, what's hot and what's not

Second week, die Hexen has arrived. Everyone is under the spell. Everyone is under the assumption that it is on top of the world. It belongs on top of the world and no one can question it.

Slowly things would go back to how it was, the long gossip sessions, the everyday drama and what not. Der Habicht wanted to stand strong and stand firm with his decision. His choice of avoiding die Kries der Hexen. I hope that he's right this time.

Die Kries der Hexen and their addiction to the Hexerei, which consumes the very essence of their once human souls. Even when they seem like they are doing something good... this the other way...

As for die verrückt Förster, he'll do what he does best. Try and not give a rats ass about anyone here. Dodge bullets, get work done and avoid drama at all costs.

Miss You =)

These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up

Saturday, 8 January 2011


It was immature, it was stupid and I should have know better. I shouldn't done it no matter what the reason. I want to start a new year with a new me. I don't want to destroy my resolution so early in the year... it's not even been a month yet.

To believe,
To be strong,
To outgrow it

As of Monday, shit's gonna really hit the fan. Classroom occupancy will be at full house or at 99% capacity. Noise factors and gossip factors are going to go through the roof. I'll just have to do what I do best.

Got really frustrated today, our restaurant professional activity seemed to be going in circles with each director making child-like errors and decisions. With abit of the fickle mindedness with really ticked me off. But whats the point of getting all worked up for this huh?

Only people I feel soo relaxed with are Ainin, Jeng & You (you know who you are).

I went yumcha with Ainin and KaJeng a few nights back and it was really fun to catch up with them. It's been quite some time since I met them. I was just thinking, other than Mark; these two people are my only friends from high school. That are my age that is. The rest have "disappeared" from my life.

Note to self... deleted useless people from facebook

These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Spoil Me

When I got back from Pangkor and looked at my Sony W350i, I thought to myself;

It's time I let him go

And yes I plan to join the monkeys in the BB clan. I want to get a blackberry

More specifically the Blackberry Curve 8520 =)

These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up

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