Jeez, I really forgot about the blog eh? Can't help it. To many things on my plate, that I'd rather just use twitter to put up a quick post.
Yes, there is alot to do and not much time to do stuff. I cant say the restaurant event as something to do or as a pain in the ass. It's pretty much covered thanks to a certain gentleman... you know who you are. But its the other things, tons of assignments and paperwork. Group assignments which require video presentations and shit.
And what the hell is up with English? Seriously she has issues yo!
About two to three weeks ago I had a listen to Pendulums songs from the new album... I felt like the good ol days, just nothing but drum & bass.
What we have here are three music videos from their awesome album... awesome awesome album....
After listening to this number I told myself "I NEED TO DOWNLOAD THIS ALBUM!"
One hour later I was seriously damn blardy happy
From watching this you can tell that the part 2 is gonna be much more awesome.. its like everything has a sequal in their music videos
Feel the pain this yo.... this too would most probably have a prequel...
This is all for now.. Mr Zikri is in class Kseeyoubai
These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up