Wayne Remon has the ball, can't be holding it too long to ponder on his next move, quick pass to Esteban Manikandan (Canavaro), he takes the ball side steps the striker avoids the tackle from the midfielder and leaves the defender on the ground as he dribbles past him too. 1 vs 1 situation with the keeper, the keeper dives in and gets the ball.
Seriously I was stunned but Canavaro's superb skill to dribble past the whole team. The game felt like some World Cup final match, the atmosphere that it was giving, just everything about it. You'd just want to give your A game in this.
Futsal at college, indoor court, hard court. My favourite. Play conditions? Night, weather; beautiful.
World Cup feeling but Champion's League play, home and away game. Lost our home game but won our away game.
We had the likes of Iker Cassilas (I can't remember the lecturer's name), Esteban Canavaro (Mani), Vidic Teoh (Adrian), Mr. Gopi Puyol (Just without the Sunsilk hair), Wayne Remon (but played midfield), Moxx Ballack (Rainer), Derek Messi and Navin van Persie.
Black Friday vs DC United
Home game we were leading from what appeared to be a keeper error after van Persie headed the ball into the box and the keeper was dumbfounded by the pass and it somehow went it. DH United somehow let the goal get ahead of them and were lazy on the defense against the counter attack. Which let to Black Friday conceding to late goals.
On the second leg, we conceded an early goal. Early in the game there were many chances, such as Esteban Manikandan's sublime dribbling skills against the whole DC United team. Just after Black Friday conceded van Persie took a shot that curled for the top corner but was just centimetres too high. A quick counter attack engineered by Wayne Remon who ended up having a great finish for the attack. The final attack and time running out, Cassilas throws the ball far and wide just slightly above DC United's defender to van Persie who was waiting for it. He' chests it down and with his back towards goal be blasts it to kingdom come and there we have it the winning goal.
For the love of the game, it was most amount of fun Black Friday had in a long time. And we are really looking forward to the next game, next week.
Unfortunately for now, we're just worried on the aches and pains. I can't walk fast. I have to walk slowly because my calfs, hamstrings, knees and groin muscles are worked to the bone. When I walk, it feels like jelly.
These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Write The Future (DH vs DC Edition)
Posted by Navin K. at 08:14 0 comments
Labels: College, Me Likey, Memorable Posts
Monday, 26 July 2010
Fluck Fluckedy Fluck
These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up
Posted by Navin K. at 23:38 0 comments
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Langga Freaking Wheee Day 2
Yes the much awaited part two of our 3 part Langkawi vacation.
So after a good drinking session, we went for a walk at 3am in the morning.. Mani, Frans, Remon and myself. So we're standing at the beach and Mani walks up to the water for some reason. We stand behind him... It's dark but the moon gives out enough light to see the beach clear, I see something running towards us, running along the beach line... it runs past Mani and we could make out a figure of a dog, a black dog.
We were like "WHAT THE FUCK?!!" It was pretty weird coz the dog didnt stop running and from what I know usually when a dog encounters a human it actually like stops or "layans" the human but in this case this "dog" was determined and continued to run.
What's even more creepy? My uncle says there ain't no dogs in Langkawi. Freaky much?So after some much needed sleep we all headed to this malay stall for some good nasi lemak. It was literally a walk down the road from the hotel but it was like a 15 minutes walk... longest 15 minutes la, was seriously damn hungry. Remon proud with his orange converse
So unfortunately when we get there, there were no more nasi lemaks. I ended up having some really oily and not appetizing koay tiow, I ended up not finishing it.
So the girls went shopping and the guys did what we do best when the girls go shopping... CC!! Yes we went CC at Langkawi. Quite pathetic but we had a REALLY good time

So after another CC session we take Frans to the beach for a late birthday present... getting buried in the sand.

Day 3 should be up by end of this week or earlier... hopefully earlier... I malas wanna write about this already
These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up
Posted by Navin K. at 22:16 0 comments
Labels: Comics, Me Likey, Memorable Posts, Pictures, Places, Videos
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
It Came From Langkawi Part 1
First up I'd like to congratulate myself for this is my 200th post for Thoughts Of The Illogic. Where did the time and posts go?
Anywhoots, It's finally here, part one of a four part (I think)
This post is JUST for the first day...
A little note, 90% of this pictures are candid and not posed. Dunno why I felt like saying that. Don't like it? TOO BAD LA! YOU GO LANGKAWI THEN TAKE PICTURES YOU WANT!! Pfftt... people these days....

FYI, he wasn't posing. Heck he didn't even know the picture was taken till later that day

Most of us felt abit tired and the rest such as Remon and myself wanted to show our colors and a fine job we did, summore 2 for 30 bucks... I call it a bargain!

This would have been the highlights of the cruise. Shark feeding as the crew member called it. They layout this net behind the boat and cruise at a low speed and we get on the nets and hang on. Seriously the feeling was awesome, and to top it off

Mani says give him 6 months and he'll have packs too... I plan to make mine more obvious by then.

But For Part 1 These Are The Pictures Of The Day

Seriously, what would we do without Frans, I sure as hell know I miss him now
Conversation With Derek
| Steve | says:
i love you
[i]J w e n .[/i] [c=4]BLEH.[/c] says:
| Steve | says:
lets hav a baby
[i]J w e n .[/i] [c=4]BLEH.[/c] says:
let's have ten!
| Steve | says:
boy girl boy girl boy girl boy girl boy girl
in tht order
[i]J w e n .[/i] [c=4]BLEH.[/c] says:
no we should have girl boy boy girl boy then girl girl then boy girl boy
| Steve | says:
that works too
else rather than my or Remon's Facebook account
please do inform us, as you know copying pictures without ones notification is no nice,
stealing is not nice
These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up
Posted by Navin K. at 21:48 0 comments
Labels: College, Comics, Conversations, Experiences, Me Likey, Memorable Posts, Outings, Pictures, Places
Saturday, 10 July 2010
He's Gone
There He Goes,
They Had An Outing
That I Wasn't Invited For
The Typical Thing To Do
He's My Friend Too
My First Ever Friend
We Were First
Best Friends
Was Punchline
For Their Jokes
Where Was I?
Why Wasn't I Called?
This Really Hurts
Not Too Sure
When I'd Be Seeing Him Again
Beginning To Hate Them More
I've Been Erased
I'm Nothing But Dust
Don't bother trying to figure out....
Fuck them
These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up
Posted by Navin K. at 01:12 0 comments
Labels: Emo, Experiences, Rants
Paula The Octopussy

That's what you Spain supporters would want huh?
Honestly speaking, don't let an octopussy decide the game, let the game decide itself. It's all mind games. By doing so you are just getting into the heads of your opponents. So much for fair play huh?
Nah, I'm not gonna write how I want to eat deep fried octopussy or anything. But what I've realised from 3 videos; Holland vs Spain, Uruguay vs Germany and Germany vs Spain
That damn octopussy keeps going to the right. Could there be match fixing involved somehow? I sure as hell hope not.
I feel really tired. I just want to sleep for like the whole day if possible, work and going out it's just torture. Can't wait for college to start. I want college drama back in my life.
Current songs that are stuck in my head... its soo nice it's annoying
These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up
Posted by Navin K. at 00:45 0 comments
Labels: Pictures, Rants, Songs, Videos, Wake Up Call
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Yes I haven't updated in like a million years. I realised. And I'm sorry, Bubu, I truly am.
With industrial training over and done with I've been "busy" (playing Heatseeker, futsal etc).
Anyhu what has happened over these few weeks? The MonkeyGirl a.k.a. the sister is back. Thats the bad news.
Good? I've got the keys of the Monster a.k.a. Volvo 740 GLT (Grand Luxury TURBO) and trust me I'm in love.
Went to Langkawi and well.... I really need to blog about that... maybe one or three posts JUST on that. Anywhoots, will upload them pics tomorrow promise!
These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up
Posted by Navin K. at 00:16 0 comments
Labels: College, Famous People, Pictures
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Kill Me
These are my thoughts and views. If it really offends you, either you are a pushover or just a freaking baby, grow up
Posted by Navin K. at 01:06 0 comments